Lessons from Jelly Fish about living the polarity of Surrender and Action

I recently spent some time in Sumba which is a picturesque Island in Indonesia.  For a few days in a row while walking on the beach I would see ‘Jelly Fish’.   Now, this does not sound miraculous but when I would return from my walk I would ask other people if they had seen any Jelly Fish, their answer was always the same – No!.  In Shamanism, it is known that when animals show up in high numbers or odd places in our lives that there is some magic that they wish to share.  A lesson or insight that would support us in living in a more inspired way.   When we approach Animal Wisdom in this way we are turning into the collective knowledge and power of the entire species.  Each animal on the planet is known to hold a particular valuable frequency associated with their gifts  or unique powers.  

So, I was starting to get the message. I knew a bit about the teachings that Jelly Fish offer us.  I knew that Jelly Fish were associated with going with the flow and surrendering.  And I made a note to investigate this further, but I kept forgetting to sit and meditate on what was seeking to be shared.  The next day, I saw more Jelly Fish and when I was swimming I was stung on the right foot!   The right side of the body is considered to be the masculine side (our action orientated side) and the right foot is literally how we step forward to take action! So, now Jelly Fish really had my attention.

I knew that I was being called to surrender in a deeper way.   Now, I have been ‘practicing surrendering’ for over a decade.  And I use the word ‘practicing’ on purpose.  I have learnt through experience that the practice of surrender has deeper, and deeper layers associated with it.  Just when I think I have nailed it and I know what it is all about I get thrown into something that requires an even deeper level of surrender from me.   And this has been frightening at times.  Recently I asked Spirit to answer some questions around a particular action I wanted to take within my business.    The answer I received was ‘not now’ and I would see the path soon but my frequency was still adjusting and I needed to wait.  To say that I was frustrated was an understatement.  I asked spirit whether I could know the answer now if I agreed not take action until the right time.  Spot the control freak anyone?!

So what does the Jelly Fish embody that we can learn from?   

Jellyfish go with the flow and are guided by the currents of the ocean, the wind and ultimately mother nature. They are symbolic of life’s collective energetic currents and will ride with the current instead of trying to resist it. 

If Jelly Fish is your animal totem you will often be working in the spiritual realms.   They are associated with connections to the astral plan.  They are also associated with a high degree of sensitivity and transparency and the capacity to feel deeply.   Jelly Fish people exist in a different level of feeling and transparency than most humans.  This means that if Jelly Fish is one of your totem animals you need to move out of harsh environments.  Jelly Fish do this by naturally migrating to warmer ocean climates in the winter.  There is a very limited band of temperatures that they will thrive in.  I can totally relate to this.

So, one of the messages for me was very clear.   Trust and go with the flow.  It was not a time for action but a time for surrender.  This time the message was received loud and clear, and the tingling pain on my right foot was there as a reminder to ensure that I did not forget!

This does not mean that I think there is no place for inspired action.   This can seem like an opposing force but it is only an opposing force when it is out of balance.

In the Western world a masculine action orientated approach to life is celebrated.   We are told that we need to push our way forward.  If we give up too soon, it just means that we did not ‘have what it takes to make it!’.  Expressing ‘Grit’ and ‘Resilience’ are honoured as traits to be developed and honed. This is a very imbalanced masculine energy that values action above all else.  There is no room for a more feminine approach when this way of living is embraced at its fullest.  Some of the beliefs that will be held at an unconscious level to support this way of living   are ‘success comes at a price’ and ‘I will not get what I want unless I use force’.  And there are many examples of this distorted energy in our world. If this is the program through which we are operating at some point it is likely that burn out, soul loss and depression may follow. 

The masculine orientated active approach excels in its highest form of expression when it is guided and inspired by the underlying force of the divine feminine.  In this way, the masculine approach becomes sacred in nature and miracles are possible.   The goal in life is to balance these seemingly opposing forces.  To me they are not opposing but rather supportive of each other.  Without action we will not create anything and we are all here to create, this is the purpose of our souls.  We need to create or take action from an inspired place and leave room and space for the miraculous.   This is also known as getting out of our of our own way! Spirit sees more than we do and we are always guided and protected.  The best thing we can do sometimes is surrender and play.