How our words can heal another...

Sadly, I do spend some of my time in healing sessions removing curses or ill wishes (mostly) directed  thoughtlessly at a person or situation but that is not what I wanted to focus on here. 

We can harness the power of our words for healing.   If words are so powerful that they can impact the life of a person (and they can!), then we can use them so that they can impact the life of a person in a positive way.  

A powerful way to use our words is through the use of a blessing.  You do not need to be a shaman/priest/priestess/high priestess/holy person to bestow a blessing upon another.  Your words are powerful and when they are mixed with genuine positive intent from the heart, they have the impact of positively uplifting a person and their life.    

Blessings are a gift and send life force to another.  So, think of someone in your life who is in need of some positive energy to support them at this time.   Sit in meditation, connect to source and bring your attention to your heart space.  And from your heart feel the blessing that would serve them most at this time.   “What I wish for you is XYZ …”.  And when you deliver that blessing to that special person, connect back to your heart before you speak the words.   Allow the energy of the words to be combined with the energy of your heart.  This fills a person with power so that they may dance through any obstacles that come their way.   

I support my clients to vibrate in the power of their true self.  If you would like to know more about shamanic energy healing, hypnotherapy and more, simply contact us for more information.