How to feel safe regardless of what is happening

I recently did a shamanic journey to ask my guides why some digestive issues were showing up for me again. This has been a symptom that shows up in my system from time to time.    I am highly intuitive and an empath. I feel everything! And the intuitive information that I am receiving will hit me in the stomach before my mind can register what is going on.  I know that when I am not allowing enough space to process this information, this often shows up as digestive issues. I know a lot of people will be drawn to read this post are also walking this path.   

So I got curious.  What are these symptoms telling me right now about how I am manging my energetic field and system?    I am not the same person I was in my 20’s or 30s.   I have a great deal more skills now.  I have learnt how to manage my energetic field as a system that requires care, attention and as a system that is always providing me with information that will support me.   

The answer from my guides was simple but profound -  ‘you need to anchor the deep knowing within your energetic field that everything that happens ‘to you’ is happening ‘for you’ and is bringing you home’.  When I heard this the tears started flowing.     

So, let me explain.  For a long time now, I thought I was operating in the world from a place of trust.  I had reached a point in my life where I did not push a particular outcome and preferred to surrender to what is happening.  However, when I examined this in more detail I realised that belief that I was operating from was “I trust that everything will turn out ok’ Now, this might seem pretty good on the surface but I have some ideas around ‘what IS OK’ in a situation – what is an acceptable outcome where I will feel safe.  When there is any kind of idea or need to control the outcome there is NO TRUST.  Not a deep level of trust anyway!    

To really feel safe, in our bodies, in our minds, in our entire energetic system we need to anchor the ‘Deep Knowing that everything that happens in our lives is bringing us home. We are not attached to a particular outcome.  Everything that is happening is happening ‘FOR US’.  If we can truly anchor this in our energetic systems we can truly be at peace and allow a deep level of trust to permeate our lives.  And this is what my energetic system was asking for.  It was time to shed another layer around this feeling of trust and safety and what it means.    

When we embody this deep level of trust within our field, it allows us to meet (sit with) either deep suffering that we are experiencing or witnessing others experience without losing ourselves. We know that while we may not understand it -  there is something buried within the situation that WILL BE HEALING on some level.  In this way, we can still feel SAFE during chaos, suffering, or any other situation that feels intense for our energetic system.    So I sat with my guides and downloaded this frequency and deep knowing into my energetic system.   

When we consider this within the Chakra system, on a 3D level the root chakra is associated with feeling safe.  On a 5D level the root chakra supports the energetic system in ascending by working with “I AM” energy.  This spiritual self knows that I am everything and everything is me, that it is eternal and always, always, always completely safe.  

If you would like to work on this core belief of safety and what how this supports the rest of your energetic system in grounding and bringing more of your energy here to this incarnation, hypnotherapy and shamanic energy healing are beautiful ways to support that process.