The intention for this workshop is for you to reconnect with your Power Animal and reclaim the power that is rightly yours. You can then use this feeling of power within you to create the life that your heart desires.

Shamanism sees the ‘true self’’ as a power-filled person, and that power can only be lost if it was there to begin with.  The return of power is far different from reaching for power that we never had. This is power that is rightfully yours.

Through our life experience this power is sometimes lost, stolen or neglected. During this workshop you will invite the power that is rightfully yours back home.

During the first part of this workshop, you will journey to meet your Power Animal and learn about its gifts which are your gifts.

in the second part of this work shop you will ‘Dance your power animal’ which allows you to further integrate the gifts and power which are rightfully yours!

This workshop is facilitated by Sharon Keating. For more information, please contact us.

Shamanic Healing & Power Animals - The Juicy Effect