How To Turn A 'Trigger' Into Gold

A trigger is a signpost from the universe that is pointing to a wound or trauma that is ready to be healed. It is an opportunity to release or shed something that allows us to reveal more of our ‘True Self’ which is buried beneath our stories and wounding.  So in this sense, a trigger is a gift.  We are being given the gift of opportunity from the universe – the opportunity to regain a bit more of our wholeness.   All of this sounds really nice but as we all know it doesn’t feel great when we are in the process of moving through a trigger.     

All triggers have one thing in common – they close down our heart.  And it happens in an instant.  Our reactions to triggers are largely unconscious – something about the situation takes us right back to a wound.  The bigger the wound, the bigger the reaction, and the more we will close down when we don’t feel safe.  The person/persons/situation that triggered us is displaying in a real time video (otherwise known as the external world) an area of our psyche/shadow/inner child that is ready to be healed.   

Some of us will confront the ‘trigger’ and go into battle.  Some of us will exit (run really fast) to remove ourselves from the situation and the perceived lack of safety.    This is my favourite strategy.  I prefer to run and flee. And I can feel this in my body.   My energy leaves my body, and in that moment, I no longer feel safe to be here.   And this also happens in our energetic field.  Our energetic body twists and contorts into a configuration that represents a survival strategy – something that we learnt as a child.   

So what can you do? The most important thing we can do is to remind our energetic system that we are in fact safe.   And the easiest way to do this is by breathing.   And I mean really breathing.  Taking deep belly breathes while doing your best to keep the length of the inhale and exhale the same.  This will help to regulate the system.   While you are doing this repeat in your mind a few times –   ‘I am safe.  It IS SAFE to be here’.   If you can stay with the emotion and just allow it to move through you, while reminding your system that you are indeed safe, it provides the space to get curious.   

What is looking for my attention in this situation?  What have I not faced or sat with?   Journaling can be really effective here.  Journaling releases energy as we move energy out of our body and mind onto the paper. It is also another way of accessing what is largely unconscious by just allowing our thoughts to flow.  Journaling may be enough.   Allowing the emotion to move through you and reminding your system that you are safe may be enough.  However, sometimes for deeper wounds being assisted by another is necessary for the system to really unwind the entanglement from the wound.   

If you would like assistance and feel its time to go deeper into releasing trauma and wounds from your system while inviting in the life that your soul is calling to you, please check out my Shamanic Energy Healing offering