Who Am I?

The question of ‘Who Am I?’ is something that many of us will ruminate over.   And really most of what we will attach to in answer to this question is an illusion.   The beliefs that we hold about ourselves are just that... ‘beliefs.  A false construct that we have decided will be true for us for a period of time. They become a way of operating that defines either how we see the world or how we show up in the world.  

We also hold onto many ‘stories’ about who we are.  A story is a narrative about ourselves that we believe to be true.  And these can be simple or complex but by their essence they are always limiting.   We might have stories about what we can or cannot do or what we are good at.  It’s a good practice to challenge these stories and question them.   Otherwise, we carry on moving through life on autopilot defined by a false narrative. 

When we speak an ‘I AM statement’ we are making a declaration to the universe about who we are.   Now this can be positive.   Speaking out loud ‘I am abundant and successful and always supported by the universe’ will work to align us with that outcome.   But how often do we hear ‘I am statements’ spoken without much thought about what is being declared to the universe.  Examples would be ‘1 am tired and I never have enough time’, ‘ I am not good at that’.  ‘I can’t possibly do that’. 

And recently I have caught myself doing just that.   It’s a simple example but it stopped me in my tracks and I began to question other ways that I may be limiting myself. Recently I have been trying new forms of exercise but I had/have very firm thoughts about what my body could do or is capable of.  I was challenged by the instructor to lift a weight that I had declared was too heavy - so there was no way I was going to try! What I found (after the resistance passed) was that I could lift that weight, it was heavy but I could do it. So actually, I was capable of more than what I thought I was.   It’s a simple example, but it led me to think if I can have such firm rigidity in this area, how else am I limiting myself through the narrative or story of what I can or cannot do! I spend a considerable amount of time, unpacking my beliefs and working with my mind and still this stuff creeps back in! 

So, my response to this is to really slow down and examine the narrative that I am working with.   I will ask myself ‘what if I could do that?’ to allow a possibility of a different outcome.   Holding firm rigidity around what we like/what we dislike or what we can do/or cannot do, does not allow us to expand and grow in line with the creative expansive energy of our soul which just wants to expand itself through experience.     

A story about ‘what we like’, ‘what we are good at’, ‘what we are not good at’ and many other stories about ‘what we are’ or ‘who we are’ that impacts how we show up in the world.  However, they are just that – Stories.  

We get an idea of what is in alignment with our soul (at a point in time) when we experience a sense of joy or expansiveness when we are doing something.   And that will change with time.  We get insight into who might be part of our soul group when we meet someone that we feel a strong heart connection with.  We get insight into who is part of our Tribe when we meet those that share our values and are aligned with what we want to create in this life.  To me these mirrors are more powerful indicators of the energy of our soul! 

If you are interested in unpacking your core beliefs or working with the energy of your soul to expand into your truest expression of you, please check out Shamanic Energy Healing or our Step Out Of Struggle Into Flow package.